

When I start to use RF module, I always hate it.
and this is the only project which I make the mistake more than twice.

how i make the mistake?

I use a trasmitter as receiver, and treat a receiver as transmitter....


i am the biggest idiot, but when I fix it , i feel like i am the happiest person in the world.

hope this is the last time I make the mistake.

thanks all the blessing.


matlab journey 1

在我今晚睡觉前,我一定要把matlab code 写出来。
strcat([name num2str(i)])不太懂
当i=3时,函数就输出 楼主3
a = 'hello '
b = 'goodbye'
strcat(a, b)
ans =

g = inline('t^2')
g = inline('sin(2*pi*f + theta)')
g = inline('sin(2*pi*f + theta)', 'f', 'theta')



function y=test1(a,b)
if nargin==0
elseif nargin==1


vectorize 是向量化的意思




>> x=1
x =

>> y=x*(x+1)^2/(x+2)
y =



这里的乘、乘方、除要有.* .^ ./ 表示


when you study a series frame of MRI images ,
for i=1:10


contour matlab

[c,h] = contour(u,[0 0],'r')

u是z轴数据所满足的条件,即z轴的数据;[0,0]表示画一条高度为0的等高线,如果想画高度为i 的等高线,改为[i,i],‘r’表示线条用红色显示。

What is the meaning of this code Img=double(Img(:,:,1))
img(:,:,1) selects the first "pane" of the array "img". If the array only has one pane (e.g., a grayscale image) then that portion is redundant but correct; if the array has multiple panes (e.g., an RGB image), it selects the first of them (probably the Red pane.)

double() indicates that the number values of the input should be examined and a new array the same size be constructed which has the same numeric values but represented as double precision data types. When applied to an image, the implication is most often (but not always!) that the original image array was stored as unsigned 8 bit integers, and now the floating point equivalent is desired. For example, converting an 8 bit integer with value "3" to its floating point equivalent, "3.0". There are various good reasons to do this kind of data type conversion; one of the several common reasons is to be able to do image subtraction and have results come out negative if appropriate (unsigned 8 bit integer subtraction cannot produce negative results and uses 0 where the results would be negative.)


When I create a circular pattern the original features i patterned disappears, how to fix it?

Today doing the pattern circulation, do not work, so I went to website to look for clues , find two approach.

1. When I create a circular pattern the original features i patterned disappears, what is causing this?
The expert suggest to It is in feature mode, I just went ahead and used the circular patterns in my sketchs, thanks.

2. The holes show up in the preview function while creating the pattern, but disappear as you complete the pattern.
the expert also suggest use in feature mode, but here is the part I dont understand though
The problem you're seeing is due to the fact that the original Hole Wizard feature you created just shows the original component it cut in the Feature scope for components affected by the Hole Feature. When the feature is circular patterned the pattern feature gives no option for additional parts to intersect. To fix the issue modify your Hole Wizard Assembly feature to include any components that you want to cut when patterning the Assembly feature.

The original Hole won't cut the other components but when it's patterned the holes will appear in any components selected in the Feature Scope Group box. These components must be selected manually in the original feature see attached file.


maths in solidworks

lol, today using solidwork to draw a stent using wrap function,

it end up myone has a small gap in between, it shows the advantage of using divide operator, as it always leave the decimal place.

maths not good enough


Periodic boundy condition code

ok, as I promise to solve the periodic condition problem for one of my collegues, so i decide give it a try.

use TUI: mesh/modify-zones/make-periodic choose your periodic boundary IDs as the input. Everything should go well and complete cells match on both sides should be found.


difference between fourier transform and wavelets

Haiz, sometimes when all the hope fade, you have to look for something which can cheers you up.
anyway, you still have to live for quite a long time.

so i move out the first step for digital signal processing
et us say we are looking at the signal of the light emitted from a traffic light. So for some time it will be red, and for some time it will be green (ignore the yellow for now). If we take the Fourier transform of the observed frequency, we can say that

At some time the traffic light shows red. (We know frequency to infinite precision, and that the red part of the signal is non-zero.)
At some time the traffic light shows green.
But a functioning traffic light would have either red or green shown at a time, and not both. And if the traffic light malfunctions and shows both lights at the same time, we would still see from the Fourier transform

At some time the traffic light shows red.
At some time the traffic light shows green.
But if we take the wavelet transform we can sacrifice frequency precision to gain temporal information. So with the wavelet transform done on the working traffic light we may see

At parameter w which corresponds roughly to t(w) being 1 o'clock sharp and k(w) corresponding to red, the wavelet transform is large and non-zero. This can be taken to mean that sometime around 1 o'clock sharp (could be exactly 1 o'clock, could be 1 minute past, could be 30 second before) the light showed a color that is more or less red (could be a little bit purple, or maybe a little bit amber).
At parameter w which corresponds roughly to t(w) being 1 o'clock sharp and k(w) corresponding to green, the wavelet transform is almost zero. This can be taken to mean that at all the times around 1 o'clock (say plus or minus 2 minutes) the traffic light does not show any hint of green.
At parameter w which corresponds roughly to t(w) being five minutes past 1 and k(w) corresponding to green, the wavelet transform is large and non-zero. This would indicate that around 1:05 (maybe 1:06, or 1:04) the light shined greenish (could have a tinge of teal or a bit of yellow in it).
This would tell us that not only can the traffic light show both red and green lights, that at least at around 1 o'clock the light is working properly and only showing one light.


ansys fsi problem I

O.K .so recently stuck in mesh in ansys fluid structure interaction.the mesh in transient structure does not work well.
It looks like there is still a long way to go.
keep on pops up
error updating cell solution in the transient structural system.
i guess most probably will need some luck
This error mostly returned while you have intersecting bodies in your problem geometry. just one of those bodies should be meshed and the other ones should be used as "Body of influence" at least in one "Sizing" feather.

I hope this could solve your problem.
Good Luck

another one
The target body that you want to scope to needs to be selected as patch conforming tetrahedron - if you don't do this it will not modify the meshing (To make target body patch conforming right click on mesh, select insert -> method -> select target body --> then select method tetrahedron)


put the bracket beside the variable.

ok, so try orcad parameter sweep,

keep on pop up error,
* source RESISTORS
R_RS N02282 VL 47k TC=0,0
V_V1 N02282 0 10V
R_R1 0 VL rvariable TC=0,0
ERROR(ORPSIM-16152): Invalid number
.PARAM rvariable=10k

**** RESUMING "global sweep.cir" ****

at the end is because i did not put the bracket beside the rvariable which is supposed to be parameter.

hehe, so stupid...


Part VIN has no 'STIMULUS' property

Ok. so today I run the PSpice, and face the problem
INFO(ORNET-1041): Writing PSpice Flat Netlist C:\Cadence\SPB_16.6\OpenAccess\resistors-PSpiceFiles\SCHEMATIC1\SCHEMATIC1.net
ERROR(ORNET-1110): Part VIN has no 'STIMULUS' property

constantly make the error, whether i change Vac, Vdc, but life is always like this, you never realize you make the mistake only after you make it.

Hehe. I have extra component in the bottom page, that's why i have that error.
once I remove the extra component of power source, the error disappear.

remember at the start, you create a project based on simple.obj.using the design template.at the corner you can see the following figure, remove it.

as it create extra power source, that's why your simulation is not running, once you remove, our circuit is completed and in a closed loop, so everything is working fine.

hope it helps.


how to transfer netlist from Orcad Capture to Allegro?

O.K. so today learn how to transfer netlist from cadence orcad to allegro 16.
again, the cute window system do the foolish style.
I successfully generate the netlist from cadence orcad capture, and it open the allegro 16.
However, i cannot find the component when i click placed manaually,

I panicked...haiz
then i look online and find the post about cadence, but now i cannot retrieve the link.
so if you face the same problem like me and it is in window 8, so you know what i know.
run the orcad capture with right click , select it run as administrator.
then rerun the create netlist, you should be able to see the list of the componet in the placement box, i guess it is the same for any orcad PCB editor.

so cute windows 8, what the hell everytime i have problem with my excellent design software, the first thing i will think about is right click and click run as administrator...


wish all the designer work the best!!!


FLUENT received fatal signal (ACCESS_VIOLATION)

How do I resolve the following error: FLUENT received fatal signal (ACCESS_VIOLATION)?

as referred to http://www.eureka.im/89.html

This is the standard error caused by FLUENT trying to access data that has not been allocated.

There are several causes which we will discuss.

For example, in a UDF, you may probe the cell temperature using the macro C_T(c,t). However, if you have not turned the energy equation on, then there is NO temperature stored, and you will get an ACCESS_VIOLATION.

To check a Thread for whether a variable is stored on it, you can use the THREAD_STORAGE(t, SV_XXX) macro, where SV_XXX is the storage variable for the equation of interest. For the energy equation, you would use SV_T. This macro returns a pointer to the data. The value is NULL if the data is not available. See storage.h for a complete list of storage variables.

Another cause for the macro is that your case has a UDF hooked, but you do not have the UDF available. The solution is to make sure you have the UDF directory in the correct location relative to the case file.


This is what I would do but there is many not be it.
Do General -> Check to see whether there is anything obvious you are missing. This will also do the mesh check.
Change the Compute from options in the Standard Initialization and it will give different Initial Values below. See whether there is any boundary condition which give strange values (e.g. very high velocities or temperature)
Go throught the boundary conditions and check they are fine. If you still cannot see it turn all the boundary condition to wall except one inlet and one outlet and do initialization. If successful change back other boundary conditions to fish the error out.
Good luck.


how to compile udf successfully in fluent 14.5

ok, so after one month back and for triggering, I finally manage to compile udf in my windows 8.1, I think I summarize the conlusion and hope it can benefit all of you who see my blog.if you can say a thanks you , i will feel happy.


The UDF library you are trying to load (libudf) is not compiled for 2d on the curent platform (win64).
The system cannot find the file specified.


Step-1 : Enable visualization technology in the BIOS setting in Windows 8 or 7

Step-2 : install Microsoft visual studio 2012 express

Step-3 : open VS2012 X64 Cross tools Command Prompt, change directory to working folder , where you have the *.c file

Step-4 : open Fluent V14.5 through step-3 command prompt window, make sure you open with appropriate 2D or 3D double precision options

Step-5 : compile the UDF

This one is the best solution.

of course, story never ended, if you still cannot compile your udf, the cmd exe still pop up message that ERROR: Cannot determine the location of the VS Common Tools folder.below is the suprise

setting path variable to c:\system\windows\system32 solves the issue

done.job completed.




    软件是lammps,并行软件是mpich。跑得原子数是24000个。我看了下log文件,多核相对于单核来说,kspace time和comm time占的时间比例更多了。
主要是因为Linux的内核有两种,一是.elsmp,一是el,前者是symmetric multiprocessing对称对处理器,后者是uniprocessor单处理器。而我启动Linux时,选择的是后者,所以并行的核越多,速度越慢。因此,要并行的话,应该选择elsmp才对。

solve fluent problem

ok, so today learn how to fix the error in fluent due to parallel processing,


I don't mean to bring up a thread that hasn't had any new posts in over a month, but I found this by googling (first hit) and assume others might as well.

I'm using Fluent from Ansys V13 and had a similar issue where the program would hang while trying to spawn nodes. I had installed Intel MPI (not HP, but it's possibly similar) and to fix the problem, I ran wmpiregister. I'd assume if you installed HP MPI it would be similar. You have to register your username for windows and give it a password (which I believe must match between windows and whatever mpi you're using). 

Then, when starting Fluent, under the more options section/parallel settings tab, under MPI types I denoted that I am using Intel MPI instead of default.

Works fine now and no more hanging. Hope that helps anyone who finds this.


fluent adapt

Today learn a new technique and wish to share to others.
if you are using fluent, and you have such problem

Make sure that UDF source files are in the directory 
    that contains  your case and data files. If you have an
    existing lib-drag directory, please remove this directory
    to ensure that the latest files are used.已复制         1 个文件。
(system "move user_nt.udf lib-drag\ntx86\2ddp")0
(system "copy D:\Fluent.Inc\fluent6.1\src\makefile_nt.udf lib-drag\ntx86\2ddp\makefile")已复制         1 个文件。
(chdir "lib-drag")()
(chdir "ntx86\2ddp")()
# Generating udf_names.c because of makefile bp_drag.obj
# Linking libudf.dll because of user_nt.udf udf_names.obj bp_drag.obj
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 6.00.8168
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved.
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file "libudf.dll"

a solution is just restart the fluent, it solve the problems.

How to define different zone area for mixture material in 3D modelling? 

hehe, you may refer to the post http://www.cfd-online.com/Forums/fluent/33126-how-create-different-zones-3-d-volume.html

just to use adpat region in solution setup, you know it, bro!












issue004:Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.

1 丑闻确实会使我们以极快的速度认识一些问题,在平时,这些问题是很难暴露出来的(这里举了个当年卫生部隐瞒SARS)。如果没有丑闻,很少会有人去刻意关注这样一个emergency system,更不用说那些官员了。从这个意义上讲,scandals时有一些作用的。
2 然而,scandals很容易误导public。由于现在mass media的发达,scandals往往被wide spread并且被exaggerated,因此很多群众会过分的关注公众人物的丑闻而忽略他们的achievement(举了Bill Clinton的例子)。人们更容易impressed by bad things,因
3 In addition,我们实际上很多时候被耍了。很多immoral official或者stars利用scandals来获得benefits(举了美国大选的例子)。 从这个意义上讲,丑闻的作用-indicated in the title statement,实际上被twisted了。我们分不清哪些丑闻是真的哪些丑闻是假的。







issue005:Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive. It is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated.



1 作者声称的可能是对的,但是在没有充分检视什么是“繁荣”之前,论断都是很片面的。

2 所谓繁荣,国家的主要城市的繁荣肯定是多维度的,需要的是在结构层面上的思考,即政治文化经济和社会构架四个方面:政治环境良好、文化欣欣向荣、经济发展、社会结构稳定。

3 那么怎么样得到这种thrive呢?两种平衡:一是四个子结构之间维持相对均衡平和的状态,二是就国家地理空间分布来看,不同城市之间、城乡关系维持平衡(保证城市有充分的资源调配和补给)。打破平衡的话终将造成城市的混乱和国家的失衡,结果得不偿失(这里也可以有个例子)。

4 可以给城市financial support,但是不能使得城市经济系统和别的系统失衡,造成问题,比如一个城市的人均收入和城市犯罪率成正比等等,举个例子。

5 另外,大城市即使给了support,就如上述,完全应该是出于平衡和不带来后患的考虑,而不是因为城市文化突出的考虑(我们假设给的assumption是对的,大城市文化可能很突出,但是也无法与给“财政补助”建立逻辑联系;另外,assumption本身可能也是谬误的,因为这无法对所有大城市的情况都适用):这里引申深化出一个观点点,城市的文化系统也要与经济系统充分match才能使得城市健康运行,即保存文化的政策要能跟上经济促进政策和社会政策等等。

思路为thrive——需要双重结构balance——用balance看financial support的必要性——即便给support前提下,用balance来看突出文化的原文假设——深化观点。



matlab multidimensional array

ok, so today actually learn in matlab multidimensional array,

you see the following example,

it can add in array in 3 different dimension,
very good
so we can create array more than we can , can it create universe in multidimension?


cool website

O.K. so today found a very good website to allow wireless sensor application




Fluent line1: parse error.

ok, so today I start my fluent practice.
I write a UDF , but so sad , it does't work. It stuck in the 1st line where parse error found.

Luckily I am not the only one who suffered from this problem. and i found the solution.

 fix it by changing the format from UNICODE to ASCII

How to change the format from unicode to ASCII, when you save the .c file in notepad, you will notice that that is a drop list where inside has unicode to ASCII option as shown below

just select the ASCII, then you will mostly fixed the error. 

hope it helps for those beginner. 


how to use australia google search engine.

O.K. today found out that I cannot use google as goole.australia.
So I prefer to conduct some studies .

looks like I am not the only one.

just book mark this as the home page, then you can achieve it.

I still love googling things, but Dear Mr.Google, can you slow your pace and sometimes if you want to modify the function, at least annoucment through your single rectangular box pls, to let your follower know how to adapt themselves into your creative design, ok?

Gorgeous google....

p/s: i use google Australia, as I still have a dream to go australia for studying my PhD. so should adapt myself early.:)


autocard 2014破解失败的解决方法

AutoCAD 2014的安装界面与2010-2013版的差不多,没有什么问题。

但是安装的第一步装的是.NET Framework Runtime 4.0 Language Pack,这时会出现错误(Install .NET Framework Runtime 4.0 Language Pack Failed Installation aborted, Result=1603)。可能是原来win8已经有.net 4.0了,装不上。不过这应该没有关系,可以忽略.net 4.0的语言包安装。

