


    软件是lammps,并行软件是mpich。跑得原子数是24000个。我看了下log文件,多核相对于单核来说,kspace time和comm time占的时间比例更多了。
主要是因为Linux的内核有两种,一是.elsmp,一是el,前者是symmetric multiprocessing对称对处理器,后者是uniprocessor单处理器。而我启动Linux时,选择的是后者,所以并行的核越多,速度越慢。因此,要并行的话,应该选择elsmp才对。

solve fluent problem

ok, so today learn how to fix the error in fluent due to parallel processing,


I don't mean to bring up a thread that hasn't had any new posts in over a month, but I found this by googling (first hit) and assume others might as well.

I'm using Fluent from Ansys V13 and had a similar issue where the program would hang while trying to spawn nodes. I had installed Intel MPI (not HP, but it's possibly similar) and to fix the problem, I ran wmpiregister. I'd assume if you installed HP MPI it would be similar. You have to register your username for windows and give it a password (which I believe must match between windows and whatever mpi you're using). 

Then, when starting Fluent, under the more options section/parallel settings tab, under MPI types I denoted that I am using Intel MPI instead of default.

Works fine now and no more hanging. Hope that helps anyone who finds this.