
Peace malaysia 27/9/2013

I am the Sun reader. Personally speaking, i feel the report is not biased towards the government or the opposition. Both side are given equal length of report for voicing out their point of views, which make me grow.

Today theSun give an headline" human rights alert". Such a headline is quite gruesome and it should be able to stir up a lot of debate in malaysia. There is undeniable that human rights, as a basic property of a Malaysia citizen, is always been put under scrutinized. A lot of people argues that we, as malaysian always enjoy the peace tact among race and has been given unlimited of freedom. We speak as we like without any worry of being detained. But there is not the whole fact. Recently a review on the act which allow the suspect to be detained without any trial is an violation of human right. Furthermore, it is submitted to the house without given the MP enough time for debating the pros and cons of it. IT looks like it is just one of tools for particular party to stop the opposition view and anybody who dare to point out their mistake. 

Everyone are considered innocent until proven guilty. But if they are innocent, should they be detained in a small room, provided that they do nothing wrong? Where are our human rights? Imagine, if one day you walk on the way towards to school, suddenly there is a madman come out, fingerpoint at you and shouted that  "He is a murder", should we be detained for 90 days? That is ridiculous and obviously violate the human right. Just because others' rumor, we  as the people of this nation, had to be sent to jail without proper trial. I personally do not think that this is a good idea to having such improper law to be passed in the senate. if it is passed, it willl be a disaster for our people and left a lot of negative consequences to our future generation. The consequences can be like living cautiously in our home, do not wish to accept others critic. 

I agree that we might need some special act to be able to hold the criminals. But It should not be at a cost of Malaysian people. Some criminals if they are involved in murder case, rape case, they should be detained in the police station. It is one of way to stop them for being running away. It should be listed down and stated distinctly in the law. Before the SPECIAL ONE who table it to the Senate, the proposal should be debated between different NGO, especially in Malaysian Bars. Not proposal about modifying or replacing the law should be submitted to The House without proper concern of memebers in Malaysian Bars, as they are the one who know the laws which ideally every statement should be made without any ambiguity. Only then, the rest of us can be assured that our human right is not being violated.

Hopefully our nation will be better once those better law get passed in the senate and get approval. Not sedition act, not national harmony act, but only the people act should be allowed to list in the bar. 
