
ICEM model stent and aneurysm

 always forget so I think i better put a mark here 

The aneursym and stent has to meshed separately 

I need some advice. As part of my research our lab focuses on virtual stenting and coiling in patient specific aneurysms. We have traditionally used ICEM CFD to mesh the aneurysm geometry and deployed stent geometry but the problem is it is difficult to resolve the stent geometry without creating a crazy amount of elements. We volume mesh both the aneurysm and stent geometry, then import the mesh into Star-CD, then delete the "shell" elements that represent the stent so we can perform CFD. Can anyone think of a better way of doing this?? Does ICEM CFD have some type of Embedded mesh technique or Immersed Boundary that can be used to resolve the stent meshing issue? Another problem is that since the stent is quite small compared to the parent vessel, ICEM creates dozens of "CREATED MATERIAL" that I believe represent the small volume gaps between the stent geometry. I've tried importing the volume mesh into CFX, but finding and deleting these "shell" elements like we do in Star-CD is not as cut and dry. Is there an easy way in CFX to distinguish between "shell" and the volume elements so the deletion of the stent is easier??

Sorry for the long response but help is appreciated!


after that we can merget them together 



solve module cannot found problem.

Shit, I stuck in a environment path for so many days but finally crack through it. 

after sudo gedit .~bashrc, you put a souce to it.

but what the ass

 you also need to  make the module you want is under the directory path 

e.g. home/ass/

copy the  module there but not under anaconda....hey man you dude!


update 22/12

the tiGAR-master should be rename as tIGAR, so inside still have another tIGAR, so the whole directory have to be maintained. 

haha I finally can run the karmensky code 

step by step



use gmsh 4.4.1 mesh the geo with step in surface.step

then it will generate gmsh

then use python chamelon.py to generate .xdmf and h5, 

then create a folder 

 fluid-solid problem parameters
p = parser.add_argument_group("fluid-solid problem")
               help="Folder that contains the fluid-solid mesh and markers.")
               help="Filename of the fluid-solid mesh.")
               help="Filename of the fluid-solid subdomains markers.")
               help="Filename of the fluid-solid boundary markers.")
               help="Mesh physical group marker string.")
               help="Fluid-solid problem polynomial degree.")      




so got that error chane the visitor.py under coffee to inspect.getfullargspec

Python3.11 Removed: The getargspec() function, deprecated since Python 3.0; use inspect.signature() or inspect.getfullargspec() instead. May 2 at 5:05