** ERROR *** CODE ADF2701: Fluid node (label) 2806 is not attached to solid fluid-structure interface 1. The relative distance to solid boundary element 8382 is 1.49E 01. The fluid nodal coordinates are (-2.7E-02, -6.2E-02, 6.64E-03). The points and their coordinates of the solid boundary element are: point 203 = ( 1.588E-02, -6.22E-02, 1.194E-02) point 4910 = ( 1.785E-02, -6.22E-02, 1.375E-02) point 2708 = ( 1.538E-02, -6.22E-02, 1.482E-02) Possible causes are: * Fluid-structure interfaces in fluid and solid models are not coincident; * Solid boundary elements are too coarse compared with fluid boundary elements on the same fluid-structure interface.
1 hellend112 你定义的结构与流场的单元不匹配,可能是两种网格尺寸差距太大,调剂网格 2010/4/24 02:08
2 hellyeah88g0 首先感谢楼上,我做的过程中,两种网格划分是完整一样的阿 2010/4/24 16:48
3 longbn 可能是耦合盘算时,节点自己运动,偏离FSI接触面,我曾遇到这样的问题 2010/4/25 07:27
4 boksir9a99 引用:原帖由 xirenqiang 于 2008-7-20 17:37 发表可能是耦合盘算时,节点自己运动,偏离FSI接触面,我曾遇到这样的问题 那要怎么解决呢? 2010/4/25 22:07
5 steven 我已经解决了,在MESHING-CREATEPOINT那里输入流固接触点的点号,在MESHING-ALE MESH CONSTRAINTS-FIX MESH 看你所选中的点是否被固定 这样 在重新画网格就可以了! 2010/4/26 12:46
6 ybyguhj *** ERROR *** CODE ADF2701: Fluid node (label) 1 is not attached to solid fluid-structure interface 1. The relative distance to solid boundary element 566 is 5.72E 00. The fluid nodal coordinates are (7.72E-02, 0.00E 00, -1.1E-01). The points and their coordinates of the solid boundary element are: point 84 = ( 7.725E-02, 0.000E 00, 1.925E-02) point 308 = ( 7.461E-02, -1.99E-02, 0.000E 00) point 91 = ( 7.725E-02, 0.000E 00, 0.000E 00) Possible causes are: * Fluid-structure interfaces in fluid and solid models are not coincident; * Solid boundary elements are too coarse compared with fluid boundary elements on the same fluid-structure interface. 你好,请教研发网的朋友,在meshing--creat mesh --point中输入哪个点的号呢?然后在MESHING--ALE mesh constraints --fix mesh 中又应当输入什么呢? 2010/4/27 03:26
7 nxd11g23 因为流体和结构的交互面处的网格不对齐。中间有空隙。处理措施:1.查找空隙的处所,细化网格,或者采用同样的划分方法,避免涌现。2.重新构建此处的流固耦合面。必需要匹配3.如果留空隙,就无法算出结构